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    - Print diagram: disabled GPU hardware acceleration for rendering diagrams in PNG and SVG formats



    New features in v8.0.4 [07-Mar-2025]

    - dbt: enabled forward-engineering of models properties schema.yml files for Hive, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and Teradata tables

    - dbt: added materialization strategy in model property files

    - dbt: forward-engineer only root attributes for complex data type in BigQuery, Databricks, Glue Data Catalog, and Hive

    - Model opening: fixed model change false positives caused by validation of selected objects

    - PowerDesigner reverse-engineering: added mapping of MAX length for varchar data type in MySQL, Redshift, SQL Server, and Synapse

    - Tech: added ESM enforcement by webpack for CI-CD folder

    - Avro: allow main app to control the root type behavior and handle multiple data types

    - Avro: added display of array item name in ERD

    - Avro: added * in ERD for not-nullable union schemas

    - Avro: adjusted data type of default value of numeric fields when derived from Polyglot

    - DeltaLake/Databricks: added support for materialized views


    New features in v8.0.3 [28-Feb-2025]

    - browser deployment: added possibility to forward- and reverse-engineer with Confluent Schema Registry in Avro plugin (given the proper license key)

    - dbt: enabled forward-engineering of models properties schema.yml files for BigQuery, Amazon Glue Data Catalog, PostgreSQL, Redhift, and Synapse tables

    - dbt: added possibility to generate a single models property file per schema/container/dataset

    - GraphQL: prevented appending or inserting a field in a choice of a union

    - Documentation generation: improved performance and reduced memory footprint for large models

    - PowerDesigner: reverse-engineer of .pdm files into Hackolade physical models of any target, currently except for API targets: EventBridge, GraphQL, OpenAPI, and Swagger that require additional development

    - PowerDesigner reverse-engineering: added fractional seconds precision for datetime attributes

    - Tech: added ESM enforcement by webpack for app folder

    - Tech: ensured that software is fully functional in IPv6-only environments.  And no claimed capabilities are invalidated if operated in a dual stack (Ipv6 and IPv4) network environment

    - Avro: re-ordered properties when data type is multiple for a more logical sequence

    - DeltaLake: changed plugin logo to Databricks for better recognition

    - Snowflake: improved character escaping in comments when characters are already escaped


    New features in v8.0.2 [21-Feb-2025]

    - dbt: enabled forward-engineering of models schema.yml files for DeltaLake/Databricks tables

    - dbt: add constraints at table and column levels when forward-engineering of models schema.yml files

    - GraphQL: enabled auto-generation of SDL in Browser deployment

    - GraphQL: added Append/Insert/Add field for union type via contextual menu

    - Custom properties: added validator of proper JSON upon loading application

    - Polyglot: added representing in ERD the configured sequence of reordered keys in composite primary key for models derived from polyglot

    - Polyglot: updated relationships in target model on update of Polyglot definitions if they were changed in the Polyglot model

    - MacOS: fix for rendering of a complex ERD image in documentation

    - Oracle: added handling of additional keywords to ANTLR grammar for reverse-engineering: GREAD ONLY, GENERATED BY DEFAULT, EDITIONABLE

    - Snowflake: added tolerance for escaped single quote inside table comments during reverse-engineering


    New features in v8.0.1 [14-Feb-2025]

    - dbt: first release of basic forward-engineering of models schema.yml files for Snowflake tables.  Will be enhanced with additional features and additional targets in upcoming releases

    - Docker: enhanced detection that application is running in Docker image for latest Linux versions and distributions, and alternate container management tools

    - Excel: enhanced adapter handling more permutations of (composite) primary keys during reverse-engineering

    - Faker: upgraded to latest library version v9.5.0.  Beware of breaking changes in Faker functions and

    - Tech: finished migration of all modules to ESM

    - DynamoDB: allowed views (used for facets and secondary indexes) to have partition and sort keys that are different than for the underlying table

    - GraphQL: added grouping of root types (Query, Mutation, Subscription) 

    - GraphQL: adjusted order of types in forward-engineered SDL

    - GraphQL: added possibility to define structured directives

    - GraphQL: adjusted order of directive locations 

    - Oracle: added generation of ALTER script for changes in table-level check constraints

    - Oracle: added generation of ALTER script for changes in column data type changes as well as changes in properties: length, precision, offset…

    - Oracle: extended the commenting in ALTER scripts to more potentially destructive statements such as modification of data type, shorter columns, etc.

    - PostgreSQL: moved sequence creation statements to the beginning of the DDL script

    - Snowflake: moved sequence creation statements to the beginning of the DDL script

    - Synapse: updated config with synonyms for proper reverse-engineering from PowerDesigner


    New features in v8.0.0 [07-Feb-2025]

    - GraphQL: added plugin which is currently limited to allowing definition of non-root types and auto generation of GraphQL Schema Definition Language SDL.  More enhancements in the coming weeks to achieve model-driven GraphQL API generation

    - Excel export/import: implemented composite key constraint definitions at entity level

    - Polyglot: allowed to disable Bold font option in derived models

    - PowerDesigner: reverse-engineer of .pdm files into Hackolade physical models of the same target, or in a Polyglot model

    - Properties Pane: enabled apply button in textarea when copy/paste

    - Properties Pane: allowed display of business name in dropdown of parent/child entity of relationships, when technical name display option is selected but entity has no technical name

    - Collibra: adjusted reverse-engineering to accommodate Collibra API return code changes

    - Avro: adjusted resolution of references on definitions with multiple types.  

    - Avro: arranged order of field properties when it is a reference on definition with multiple type

    - Couchbase v7+: added tolerance to reverse-engineering parsing for unmanaged (undefined) statements

    - SQL Server: added synonyms to improve data type mapping for PowerDesigner PDM files

    - Snowflake: eliminated redundant table joins in views DDLs

    - Snowflake: added support for templates in view Select statement property with SELECT ${viewColumns} for dynamic list of columns

    - Snowflake: added support for views <column_list> to allows column name alias and comments