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    Import or reverse-engineer

    In the previous tutorial, we reviewed how to add relationships to your entity-relationship diagram.  By the end of this tutorial, importing data structures and reverse-engineering of existing instances will have no secrets for you.


    You may also view this tutorial on YouTube.  Summary slides can be found here.


    The reverse-engineering function is used to import information into pre-existing or empty data models.  Reverse engineering is a useful feature to facilitate the modeling and documentation of existing instances.  After the reverse engineering has been performed, the user can enrich the model created, by filling descriptions, recording constraints that were not obvious from the stored data, documenting relationships, etc…


    Hackolade supports the reverse-engineering of different types of data sources:

    • a JSON or YAML document: during this process, we infer the schema for the data in the file(s)
    • a JSON Schema or YAML Schema: during this process, when applied to an RDBMS target, we optionally normalize nested structures into separate entities.
    • a Data Definition Language file (DDL): from Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Hadoop Hive, Snowflake, Teradata, DB2, Informix, Redshift
    • an XSD schema file from another ER tool, such as erwin, ER/Studio, PowerDesigner, or other
    • an Excel file template: first export a Hackolade model (even an empty one) to generate an Excel file for the target of your choice.  Then you may bulk edit your model or create a new one before ingesting it back into the application.
    • target-specific instances: data bases and cloud storage
    • from a data dictionary (currently only Collibra.)


    The first 5 sources assume access to files on the (local or network) file system, whereas others require connection settings to access on-prem or cloud instances.


    To import from these sources, you simply go to Tools > Reverse-Engineer and choose from the menu options.  These options differ slightly from target to target.  





    Importing file-based sources

    For file-based imports, you are prompted with a dialog which varies slightly for each option:



    You must select one or more files to import.  In most cases, you will want to import as entities in the Entity-Relationship Diagram.  But also may want to import the schema as model definitions (user-defined types for RDBMS and some other targets, component schemas for OpenAPI) so they can be reused in many places in the model.


    When importing in the ERD, you may also merge the imported structure into an existing or new container (schema for RDBMS, namespace or keyspace for some targets, etc.)


    Finally, when importing nested structures into RDBMS targets (which don't support complex data types), you are presented with an option to automatically normalize into flat tables:




    Reverse-engineering instances

    When you reverse-engineer from on-prem or cloud instances, you generally must provide connection parameters and security credentials.  This is done via a Connections dialog such as:


    Tutorial - Connections dialog


    This confidential information stays on your local system with encrypted passwords.  With this screen you can connect to previously saved connections, as well as add, edit, copy, import, export, and delete connections.  


    The connection settings differ for each target, depending on the respective protocols and authentication mechanisms of each target technology.


    When connecting to an instance, the reverse-engineering process differs as well.  In the case of RDBMS, we can simply retrieve the DDL.  However, things gets trickier when there is JSON in RDBMS or in document databases.  In those cases, we launch a sampling process, then proceed with inference of the schema, prior to converting into a Hackolade data model.  We apply a similar approach to schemaless NoSQL databases such as property graphs, key-value, and column-oriented databases.


    All reverse-engineering functions are accessible either from the GUI application, or from the Command-Line Interface, whether directly or running in Docker containers.


    In this tutorial, we reviewed how to import data structures and reverse-engineer existing instances into a data model.  In the next tutorial, we will cover how to export or forward-engineer artifacts from your data model.