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    API Model

    Model-driven API generation

    Previously, Hackolade allowed the import of different formats (JSON documents, JSON Schema, DDLs, XSDs) into an OpenAPI or Swagger model as schema components (or Swagger definitions.)   While already useful, this feature highlighted the possibility to further automate and facilitate the creation of APIs based on existing data models: using an ERD (entity-relationship diagram) to automatically generate the API for CRUD operations of the entities of that data model.  For any target for which Hackolade support data modeling: JSON Schema, MongoDB, Cassandra, Avro, Parquet, Hive, Neo4j, Cosmos DB, Couchbase, DynamoDB, Elasticsearch, Snowflake, SQL Server, Azure SQL, Synapse, etc...


    It is no longer necessary to export a Hackolade model to JSON Schema, then import it into an OpenAPI model, before manually going through the repetitive task of creating resources for CRUD operations.  With version 4.2.0, Hackolade is introducing this handy new feature at the request of many customers: the ability to directly generate an OpenAPI (or Swagger) model and documentation from any Hackolade model target.  This feature will help make your APIs more consistent than those produced by hand, while easily exposing resources for underlying data sources.  API maintenance will be greatly facilitated, and Total Cost of Ownership reduced.


    Furthermore, it is now possible to automatically create resources (request and responses) for each entity of the source data model, based on a user-defined template.  The template can be defined in different ways: a Hackolade model file for Swagger or OpenAPI, or an actual Swagger/OpenAPI documentation file in either JSON or YAML.


    For this feature to work, it is required to have the OpenAPI (or Swagger if applicable) plugin installed.



    The process is as follows:





    1) Open or create a Hackolade model with entities: collections for MongoDB, tables for Cassandra/Hive/RDBMS, node labels and relationship types dfor Neo4j, etc...

    2) Go to Tools > Forward-Engineering > API model and choose a previously defined template to use for the merge operation

    3) Hackolade will generate an OpenAPI (or Swagger) model, and optionally the corresponding documentation file.


    Data model

    Any Hackolade data model can serve as a basis for this process.  Each entity (collection, table, node label, view, relationship type, etc...) of the model will serve as a basis for the creation of a schema component/definition in the API model, so CRUD operations could be generated for each entity.



    An API template is typically a Hackolade model itself, but it can also be an OpenAPI or Swagger documentation file in either JSON or YAML  The template is user-defined and used by the process to control the creation of the API for the source model.


    You will find on our sample model page a sample template that can serve as a basis for your own template.  You will see the following screen if you open the OpenAPI sample template:

    Model-driven API generation template


    The template contains:

    - API metadata in the properties pane which should be edited to your specific context and standards;

    - a resource named "entities" containing 1 request (a POST operation) with 5 responses (201 (Created), 400 (Bad request), 401 (Unauthorized), 403 (Forbidden), and 500 (Internal server error)

    - a resource named "entities/{id}" with 3 request: PUT, GET, DELETE, each with its own set of responses

    - a components section (definitions for Swagger) with re-usable schema and response components.


    Feel free to adjust the template to the behavior that best suits your operation, knowing that you'll still be able to edit the generate model anyway.  You may add or change metadata, resources, requests, and responses.


    IMPORTANT: do NOT change the keywords "entities" and "entity" in the template, as the merge process hinges on their presence in the template.


    API generation

    The application will perform the following operations while creating the destination API model:

    - import each entity from the source model and create schema components

    - create responses components from the template

    - perform the cartesian product of each entity of the source model with each resource of the template, including requests and responses



    The function is accessible through Tools > Forward-Engineering > API Model...

    Model-driven API generation menu


    You may choose either OpenAPI 3 or Swagger 2 as a destination version.


    You are presented with the usual dialog for object select; and you may unselect entities you do not wish to include in the API generation: 



    By keeping external references, you ensure that, if changes are made to the source data model, the API model can be kept in sync.  The path can be absolute or relative.


    You must choose a valid template, either in a Hackolade model format, or in an OpenAPI or Swagger documentation file (either in JSON or YAML.)  


    Important note: the version of template must be compatible with your output version choice.  If you choose to output to an OpenAPI 3 model, you must choose an OpenAPI 3 template, i.e. not a Swagger 2 template.  And vice-versa.


    You will be prompted for the destination path where the resulting model should be saved.


    Depending on the size of both your source model and your template, the process may take a few minutes.  If you have selected to create an OpenAPI documentation file, you will be prompted for the destination path where the resulting OpenAPI documentation file should be saved.


    Model-driven API generation doc info dialog

    At the end of the process, you will be asked if you wish to open the resulting API model to be opened in a separate Hackolade instance:

