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    There are 2 pre-requisites for using the Workgroup Edition of Hackolade Studio:

    • you or your organization must have purchased the Workgroup Edition, or the Workgroup upgrade option to the Professional Edition. This repository feature is not available in the Community, Personal or Professional Editions. If you don't have the Workgroup Edition yet, you may contact us at
    • you must have a Git client installed on your computer. 


    Here are the steps to verify that your installation meets both criteria...


    In Hackolade Studio, open the repository context.

    • choose Repository > Open Repository Context in the top menu;
    • use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+G (Cmd+G on MacOS);
    • switch to the repository context through the vertical Context Bar on the left;
    • move up or down in the Context bar by using the shorcut Ctrl+Up/Down arrow (Cmd+Up/Down arrow on MacOS).


    If you do have the Workgroup Edition, then look at the top bar while in the Repository Context.  If you don't see any error message in the top bar, then everything is fine: you already have a Git client and it is ready to be used by Hackolade Studio. If you do see an error message in the top bar, then there is a problem.  Read on...




    The Git executable is already present

    If you already have a Git client installed, it should normally be available globally through the PATH environment variable.  You can perform a diagnostic of your Git installation in Tools > Options > Repository.


    Workgroup tools options repository



    You may also specify a custom path to your Git client.  


    Note: Be careful that GitHub Desktop, SourceTree and other visual applications are NOT the Git client the we're looking for here.  They are GUI applications also leveraging the system Git executable.  If you specify a custom path, it must be to the Git executable.


    With GitHub Desktop, it is possible that the installation did not declare the location of the Git executable in the system PATH.  This is a well documented situation...  Hackolade Studio has been enhanced to auto-detect the Git executable installed by GitHub Desktop, if in one of its standard locations:  

    C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe

    C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\app-3.0.0\resources\app\git\cmd\git.exe (GitHub Desktop version 1.1 and above)


    If installed elsewhere, like 

    C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_<guid>\cmd\git.exe (GitHub for Windows prior to version 1.1)

    you may have to declare the custom path manually.


    Installing the Git executable for Windows

    You need to install a Git client if one is not yet present on your machine.  You may have to ask your IT department to install the latest version of the Git client from the official Git website, and follow these instructions.  During the installation process, make sure to NOT disable the use of the credential manager (it is enabled by default).  This is the safest way for your Git client to store your credentials and to avoid prompting you every time they are needed.





    In the .gitconfig file, typically found on Windows in C:\Users\%username%, you make sure that the following values are set correctly:


        autocrlf = true

        longpaths = true

        fsmonitor = false



    Installing the Git executable for Mac

    If you don't have XCode installed on your machine, which is probable if you're not a developer, it is necessary to install Git on your machine.  There are 3 main sources for Git on macOS: Apple, Homebrew, or the Git website.


    The easiest approach is to simply open Hackolade Studio which will detect the absence of the Git executable, and propose to perform the installation of the command line developer tools from Apple.  This is the recommended approach.

    Mac Git command line developer tools install


    Alternatively, you may download Git from Homebrew Git Formulae, but it also requires the Apple command line developer tools. Finally, you may download Git from the Git website, but the Mac version is maintained by a third party, not the Git maintainers, so it isn't always up-to-date.