Sample models
API Generation
Schema Registry
Data Catalog
Azure SQL
Sample models
After download, open the models using Hackolade Studio,
and learn through the examples how to leverage
the data modeling and schema design power of the software.
Model-driven API generation template
Avro schema samples
Here are some useful resources to be reviewed along with using Hackolade for Avro schema design:
- Documentation: Avro schema specification
- Ordering system: an order application with schema reuse
- Full test: a model illustrating union types described in : Avro schema online documentation
BigQuery data model samples
- AdventureWorks model: an application derived from: AdventureWorks sample database
Cassandra DataStax data model samples
Here are some useful resources to be reviewed along with using Hackolade for Cassandra data modeling:
- Book: Jeff Carpenter: Cassandra: The Definitive Guide: Distributed Data at Web Scale
- Article: Basic Rules of Cassandra Data Modeling
- Article: Cassandra Data Model Meets World
Hotel reservations: an application derived from: Cassandra: the Definitive Guide from O'Reilley with code from GitHub: hotel and GitHub: reservation
Video DB: an application derived from: GitHub: videodb tutorial
Cosmos DB data model samples
Here are some useful resources to be reviewed along with using Hackolade for Cosmos DB data modeling:
- SQL API: travel: an application derived from: here
- Gremlin API: Paradise Papers: an application derived from: here
Couchbase data model samples
Here are some useful resources to be reviewed along with using Hackolade for Couchbase data modeling:
- Book: Henry Potsangbam: Learning Couchbase
- Article: Couchbase Phases of Data Modeling
- Article: SQL to JSON Data Modeling with Hackolade
Databricks data model sample
- Databricks sample model: inpired from: tutorial
DynamoDB data model sample
Here are some useful resources to be reviewed along with using Hackolade for DynamoDB data modeling:
- DynamoDB examples: derived from the examples on AWS described here
- Messaging: derived from the example discussed in this video
- Music and Movies: created based on AWS examples described here and here
- Social Network: derived from the example discussed in this video
- Real-time voting: derived from the example discussed in this video
Elasticsearch data model samples
Here are some useful resources to be reviewed along with using Hackolade for Elasticsearch data modeling:
- Book: Learning Elastic Stack 6.0: A beginner's guide to distributed search
- Article: Elasticsearch: modeling your data
EventBridge Schema Registry sample
- AWS Glue OpenAPI: an application derived from: EventBridge Schema Registry for AWS Glue OpenAPI
AWS Glue Data Catalog schema samples
Here are some useful resources to be reviewed along with using Hackolade for Glue Data Catalog modeling:
- Documentation: AWS Glue - How does it work?
- US legislators: an application derived from AWS Glue Programming Tutorial
HBase data model samples
Here are some useful resources to be reviewed along with using Hackolade for HBase schema design:
- Documentation: Apache HBase specification
- Tutorial: HBase Introduction and Facebook Case Study and HBase Architecture: HBase Data Model & HBase Read/Write Mechanism
- Technical paper: Introduction to HBase Schema Design
- HBase Users: HBase row key multidimentional map derived from: Introduction to HBase Schema Design
Hive data model samples
Here are some useful resources to be reviewed along with using Hackolade for Hive schema design:
- Technical paper: Data Modeling Considerations in Hadoop and Hive
- Documentation: Hive Data Types HQL
- Ordering system: an application derived from: Cloudera's Getting Started with Hadoop Tutorial
JanusGraph data model sample
- Classic model: an application derived from: Graph of the gods example
JSON data sample
- JSON example: a model derived after reverse-engineering of documents on :
- Car sales: a made-up example showing a relationship between 2 documents
MariaDB data model samples
- Classic model: an application derived from: Classic model example
MongoDB data model samples
Here are some useful resources to be reviewed along with using Hackolade for MongoDB schema design:
- Book: Rick Copeland: MongoDB Applied Design Patterns: Practical Use Cases with the Leading NoSQL Database
- Book: Christian Amor Kvalheim: The Little Mongo DB Schema Design Book
- Book: Steve Hoberman: Data Modeling for MongoDB
- Article: MongoDB Data Modeling Introduction
- Article: Building MongoDB schemas with patterns
Models: Hackolade data models available for download:
- Yelp Challenge Dataset: schema inferred from the reverse-engineering of a Yelp Challenge dataset
- Buzzfeed: model derived from the very good article, a blog series on how to use MongoDB, Mongoose Object Data Mapping (ODM) with Express.js and Node.js. The article describes the steps required to build an RSS Aggregator application, similar to Google Reader.
- GeoSpatial: introduction to MongoDB Geospatial feature derived from this blog post
- GeoJSON: a Hackolade model with the different geometry structures of GeoJSON to be used as an external reference definition.
- Kansas City Fountains: this model is drawn from an exercise in Steve Hoberman's class on 'Advanced modeling for NoSQL'. It is asked to model donations where the donor can either be an individual or a corporation, each requiring different fields. An good introduction to the concept of polymorphism.
- NOAA: ocean weather buoys info
- Northwind Oracle normalized: the famous Microsoft Access example, reverse-engineered from an Oracle DDL found here
- Northwind Oracle denormalized: the same database as above, except it has been denormalized to illustrate the power of JSON and NoSQL
- ourAirports: model derived from this free site where visitors can explore the world's airports, read other people's comments, and leave their own
- purchaseOrder: derived from this Oracle JSON article
- sales: basic demo of a sales application data model, with denormalization of some master data
- socialNetwork: to showcase Hackolade capabilities
- Socialite: derived from the Open Source Status Feed
- USDA nutrition: single collection model of the USDA nutrition DB
Neo4j data model samples
Here are some useful resources to be reviewed along with using Hackolade for Neo4j data modeling:
- Free e-book: Neo4j: Graph Databases
- Book: Ian Robinson: Graph Databases: New Opportunities for Connected Data
- Book: Rik Van Bruggen: Learning Neo4j 3.x - Second Edition: Effective data modeling, performance tuning and data visualization techniques in Neo4j
- Book: Mahesh Lal: Neo4j Graph Data Modeling
- Book: Thomas Frisendal: Graph Data Modeling for NoSQL and SQL
- Article: Neo4j Graph Modeling Guidelines
Models: Here is a list of models derived either from the Neo4j sandboxes or the local installation of Neo4j: Lexis Graph, Movies, Network and IT, NICAR, Northwind, Panama Papers, Paradise Papers, Recommendations, Russian Twitter Trolls, Trump World
Neptune data model samples
- Fraud detection model: an application derived from: Fraud detection example
Oracle and Autonomous
- Customer Orders: an application derived from: Oracle Schema Customer Orders (CO) is a modern schema useful for demos of e-commerce transactions. It allows the storage of semi-structured data using JSON.
Parquet schema samples
Here are some useful resources to be reviewed along with using Hackolade for Parquet schema design:
- Documentation: Parquet schema specification
- sample model: Other sample Parquet files can be found here and be reverse-engineered
PostgreSQL data model samples
- Flight Bookings model: an application derived from: Demonstration database
- DVD Rental model: an application derived from: Sample database
Protobuf data model samples
- Sample model: an application derived from: Protobuf example
ScyllaDB data model samples
- Video DB: an application derived from: GitHub: KillrVideo
Snowflake data model samples
- TPCH_SF1 sample: an application derived from: Sample Data: TPC-H
- Weather sample: an application derived from: Sample Data: OpenWeatherMap to illustrate the unique Hackolade ability to infer the schema of JSON stored in VARIANT columns
SQL Server & Azure SQL data model samples
- AdventureWorks: an application derived from: AdventureWorks sample databases
Swagger & OpenAPI API design samples
Here are some useful resources to be reviewed along with using Hackolade for the visual design of Swagger APIs:
- Documentation: Swagger 2 specification
- Petstore Swagger API: this model was created via reverse-engineering of the Petstore example
Here are some useful resources to be reviewed along with using Hackolade for the visual design of OpenAPI:
- Documentation: OpenAPI 3 specification
- Petstore Swagger API: this model was created via reverse-engineering of the Petstore example
Azure Synapse data model samples
- AdventureWorks: an application derived from: AdventureWorks sample databases
TinkerPop gremlin data model samples
- TheCrew: an application derived from: TheCrew example