Compare editions

Choose the edition that best fits your needs

See the feature comparison matrix below for a full listing of the differences between the Community, Personal, Read-Only Viewer, Professional, and Workgroup editions.

Workgroup Edition

The Workgroup Edition of Hackolade Studio includes all of the features of the Professional edition, plus a native integration with Git repositories for your data models. The Workgroup Edition makes it easy for users who are not so familiar with Git to leverage the tremendous power of this popular tool, and enable versioning, branching, change tracking, collaboration, peer review, and other related capabilities. You will find more information in this section of our online documentation.

The Workgroup does NOT include the Collibra integration features. This option requires the purchase of an optional upgrade. Make sure to consult the full comparison of editions below.

Professional Edition

The Professional Edition of Hackolade Studio includes all the features of the Community and Personal editions, and much more! With no limit on the size of models, this premium version produces documentation in different flexible formats.

Key additional features include forward- and reverse-engineering functions tightly integrated with all our different target technologies, plus our powerful Command Line Interface, and other advanced features. Maintain your schema documentation in sync with your production instance, thanks to the ability to compare different versions of your model.

The Professional does NOT include the Collibra integration features, or the Workgroup-specific features such as the Git integration. These options require the purchase of an optional upgrade. Make sure to consult the full comparison of editions below.

Start your free trial immediately, and discover the power and flexibility of Hackolade. For 14 days. No credit card required.

Personal Edition

The Personal Edition of Hackolade Studio is ideal for startups and individual developers. It includes all the features of the Community edition plus very flexible HTML or Markdown documentation to share models with team members, and the capability to model an unlimited number of objects. You may also view model differences and suggest the denormalization of existing relational models.

The Personal Edition does NOT include the advanced features of the Professional edition, such as Forward- and Reverse-Engineering functions for each database target, Collibra or Git integration, and some advanced features. Make sure to consult the full comparison below.

Viewer Edition

With the Viewer Edition of Hackolade Studio, you can socialize data models with business users. The read-only viewer allows navigation through models for consultation purposes only -- no creation or editing, no forward-engineering (except JSON Schema and Excel) or reverse-engineering. When connected to Git repositories, also allows pull operations and commenting on change requests.

Community Edition

The Community Edition of Hackolade Studio is completely FREE. It is an entry-level data modeling software with a subset of the Hackolade Professional edition. It is a great way for students and those new to modeling to get started with an industry-leading data modeling tool.

The Community Edition offers many of the core features of data modeling with a limit of 50 model objects per model. This can be any combination of entities and attributes, each counting as one object. It includes Entity-Relationship Diagrams and the hierarchical schema view of JSON collections, documentation, and more. It does NOT include the more advanced features such as Forward- and Reverse-Engineering functions, HTML and Markdown documentation, Collibra or Git integration, and some advanced features. Make sure to consult the full comparison below.

The Community Edition does not even require any downloads. You run it in the browser. No credit card. No registration. No download. No cookies. Local storage of models. Security first.

Feature comparison

Targets & terminology

Avro Schema
Google BigQuery
Cassandra & DataStax
Cosmos DB w/ SQL API, MongoDB API, and Gremlin API
Databricks Unity Catalog
Delta Lake on Databricks
Amazon DocumentDB
Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon EventBridge Schema Registry
Google RealTime Firebase
Google Cloud Firestore
AWS Glue Data Catalog
JSON Schema draft-04, draft-06, draft-07, 2019-09, 2020-12
Oracle and Autonomous
PostgreSQL and EnterpriseDB
Amazon Redshift
Microsoft SQL Server
Azure Synapse
Swagger and OpenAPI
YAML Schema

Graphic visualization

Unlimited number of objects
Visual ER Diagram navigation
Custom ERD views of main diagram
Graphic hierarchical schema view of entities
Document implicit relationships
Support for nested documents and arrays
Specific properties and constraints for each data type
Data dictionary of reusable objects
User-defined custom properties for all objects
Naming conventions
Suggest denormalization of a relational schema via embedding and referencing
Lineage capture
Bulk editing in Excel with import/export
Model-driven API generation
Inference of PKs and FKs
Verify Data Model

Documentation generation



Individual JSON documents
JSON Schema
Model-Driven API Generation
Avro schema
Google BigQuery DDL
Cassandra & DataStax CQL scripts
Couchbase Ottoman ODM schema
Databricks Unity Catalog
Delta Lake on Databricks DDL
DocumentDB collections and indexes
DynamoDB CreateTable and ConditionExpression scripts
Elasticsearch mappings
EventBridge Schema Registry
Glue Data Catalog HQL and AWSCLI
Hive HQL scripts
MongoDB Validator
Mongoose ODM schema
Neo4j Cypher
Oracle DDL
Parquet schema
PostgreSQL DDL
Protobuf schema
Redshift DDL
ScyllaDB CQL scripts
Snowflake DDL
SQL Server DDL and Azure SQL DDL
Synapse Analytics DDL
Swagger and OpenAPI
Teradata DDL
TinkerPop Gremlin script
YAML Schema
YugabyteDB DDL
Synthetic/mock/fake JSON documents
Generate and insert bulk synthetic/mock/fake in NoSQL document databases for testing


Individual JSON documents
NDJSON files
JSON Schema files, local or from Cloud storage, or schema registry
Data Definition Language files
XSDs (from erwin, ER/Studio, PowerDesigner, etc...)
Avro files and schema definitions, local or from Cloud storage, or schema registry
Google BigQuery
Cassandra & DataStax, on-prem and Astra Cloud
Cosmos DB w/ SQL API, MongoDB API, and Gremlin API
Databricks Unity Catalog
Delta Lake and Databricks
DynamoDB instances local and AWS cloud
AWS authentication: Access/Secret keys and credentials file
EventBridge Schema Registry
Glue Data Catalog
Google RealTime Firebase (TBA)
Google Cloud Firestore (TBA)
Hive Plain SASL, noSASL, LDAP, Kerberos, HDInsight
MariaDB, including schema inference of JSON in longtext
MongoDB instances
MongoDB Authentication: username/pwd, LDAP, Kerberos, TLS/SSL X.509, SSH
Mongoose schema
Oracle and Autonomous
Parquet files, local or from Cloud storage, or schema registry
PostgreSQL and EnterpriseDB
Protobuf files, local or from Cloud storage, or schema registry
Redshift, including schema inference of JSON in SUPER data type
ScyllaDB and Scylla Cloud DBaaS
Snowflake, including schema inference of JSON in VARIANT
SQL Server and Azure SQL DB, including schema inference of JSON in (N)VARCHAR(MAX)
Synapse Analytics
Swagger and OpenAPI
YAML Schema files, local or from Cloud storage, or schema registry

Command Line Interface

Generation of HTML, Markdown, or PDF documentation
Reverse-Engineering of large dataset samples, JSON documents/schema, DDLs
Forward-Engineering of scripts, JSON Schema, sample JSOn document, model API
Model comparisons to identify new fields and structures, and merge changes
Obfuscate model

Collaboration & Versioning

Show model differences
Advanced side-by-side compare and merge
Store data models in Git-enabled local clone
Integrated Git workflow
Clone, Commit, Pull, Push, Checkout a Branch, Solve Conflicts, Merge Branches
GitHub workflow integration, Pull Requests and reviews
Bitbucket workflow integration, Pull Requests and reviews
Azure DevOps workflow integration, Pull Requests and reviews
GitLab workflow integration, Merge Requests and reviews
Fork & Pull strategy for InnerSource


Multi-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux)
Does not require admin rights to install and operate
Auto-update with new releases
Auto-save and recovery of unsaved model in case of PC crash