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    Couchbase scripts

    For those in a technology stack using JavaScript, and are using the Ottoman ODM, Hackolade also provides the option to export a JavaScript Ottoman schema file for the collection definition via the menu option Tools > Forward-Engineering > Ottoman Schema or Couchbase script


    Forward-Engineering - Ottoman Schema file


    The same information can also be viewed in the Ottoman Schema tab:

    Forward-Engineering - Couchbase Ottoman Schem


    We provide a sort of "forward-engineering by example", with an automatic JSON data sample generation.  The script also includes the creation of indexes, and it can be applied to the database instance, provided that appropriate credentials are granted to the user.  If the specified bucket does not exist, we attempt to create it.


    Couchbase forward-engineering script


    The following credentials are required:

    - if the bucket exists, the user should have at least:

    If a bucket doesn't exist, the user needs either Full Admin or Cluster Admin  to be able to create the bucket.