Properties pane
The right-hand pane displays the properties for any entity you select in the object browser or central pane. This is where you maintain the characteristics and constraints of each entity.
You may adjust the width of the pane by moving the vertical ellipse separating the central and properties panes. You may toggle the appearance of the Properties pane by choosing the menu option View > Properties pane.
The relevant properties pane is displayed depending on the context being worked on, for example:
Database users properties:
Collection details properties:
Attribute details properties:
A set of tabs appears at the bottom of the properties pane. The bottom tabs are fixed but differ depending on the selected entity.
It is possible to toggle the appearance of the Properties pane from the workspace by choosing the menu View > Properties Pane.
The properties pane is made of ... properties. They are the characteristics and constraints of a selected attribute. Depending on the property, you may find different controls, as detailed below.
With v4.2, Hackolade has introduced the capability to control the activation of objects (containers, entities, and attributes), ON by default. If unchecked, forward-engineered objects are commented (if the target script syntax allows it) or filtered.
The properties pane may contains multiple elements, in which case, you can expand the list or collapse it using the
Text box
A typical property is a text box to record a name or a description. It accepts alpha-numeric characters.
Ellipse to dialog box
When a longer text is typically needed for a property, an ellipse at the end of the text box
indicates that a bigger dialog box can be accessed:
The ellipse is also used to pop-up a relationship field picker:
When a property is boolean, it is represented with a checkbox:
Dropdown list
When a limited list of possible entries is provided, it is in the form of a dropdown list:
When it is provided, you can add an entry by pressing the plus sign:
To delete the entry, click on the X to the right of the text box:
FAQ about some "obscure" properties
What's the purpose of these properties?
- id: a JSON Schema keyword used to reduce scope. It can be used by those who wish to apply JSON Schema principles, or to link to internal data dictionaries.
- additionalProperties: a JSON Schema keyword. A boolean to control whether additional properties are allowed or not.
- required: a JSON Schema keyword. An array identifying the schema elements that must be present. A required attribute in Hackolade appears as a solid box in the hierarchical schema view, whereas not-required attributes appear as a dashed box.
- technical name: see Naming Conventions