Polyglot Data Modeling

for SQL and NoSQL databases, APIs, and storage formats

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Schemas are everywhere!

Design schemas and publish in 3 easy steps

Design high-performing
data structures

Design your tables, collections, and graphs, attributes and their data types, descriptions and constraints, using a visual representation of nested structures.

Polyglot data modeling
Optimize with dynamic schema evolution during agile cycles

Link entities logically. Keep track of implicit relationships and denormalization. For each database or protocol technology, add the required metadata. Or reverse-engineer from dev or prod instances.

Schema design features
Publish your schemas
and documentation

Leverage GitOps to achieve metadata-as-code and synchronize technical schemas with business data dictionaries. Generate MongoDB validator, CQL, HQL, DDLs for relational, REST APIs, JSON Schema, Avro, Parquet, etc… Plus human-readable documentation in HTML, Markdown, or PDF.


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Get started for FREE

No credit card. No registration. No download. Runs in browser. No cookies. Local storage of models. Security first.