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    The information below applies to repositories on in the cloud as well as GitHub Enterprise Server.  It explains how to grant Hackolade Studio access to your GitHub account, which is a pre-requisite for using the features "submit for review" and "review change requests".

    Personal access tokens

    In the repository connection manager, click on the "generate" link located to the right of the input field for the personal access token.  You can find more information on how to generate a personal access token in the GitHub documentation.


    Workgroup - manage hub connections



    Clicking on the "generate" link brings you to the GitHub form pre-filled with most of the information needed to be provided.  Note that, in terms of permissions / scopes, Hackolade Studio only needs "repo" (aka full control of private repositories).

    Workgroup - GitHub token scopes



    If you don't have sufficient rights to issue tokens, you may have to request one from your administrator.


    If you need to re-issue an expired token, then:

    • navigate to your list of personal access tokens on GitHub;
    • select the token that you are using for Hackolade and click the "Regenerate token" button;
    • edit the connection in Hackolade, as described above, and copy-paste the new token from GitHub.


    If you don't have a valid Personal Token, you may get the error message below, indicating that your token has passed its expiration date, or that it does not have the right scopes enabled


    Workgroup - GitHub token error


    If you see this message, please follow the instructions above.


    Important: this option is only available on (Enterprise or not) where we can control the declaration of our app as a trusted source.  OAuth for Hackolade Studio is NOT available with GitHub Server (self-hosted) as we have no such access to the instance.


    As an alternative to generating a personal access token, GitHub can also let you grant Hackolade Studio access to your account through OAuth


    From the menu Repository > Manage Repository Connections, create a new connection, select the provider and specify the domain name if necessary, then select the connection method OAuth:

    GitHub OAuth connection settings


    Then click on the "Connect" button to display the instructions:


    GitHub OAuth connection instructions



    You just need to click on "Copy code & open browser". This will open a page in your browser where you can paste the temporary code.

    GitHub OAuth device activation code





    click on "Continue", then confirm by clicking the "Authorize hackolade" button.  Note that Hackolade only requests the minimum subset of permissions for it to function properly.


    GitHub OAuth device activation auth


    Hackolade Studio should now have access to GitHub.